Today I was able to accomplish quite a bit. The first thing I did was install my strobe light.
I purchased a SC103 ultralight strobe light with the intent of mounting it onto my tail. I am not required to have a strobe light on the plane but it did seemed like a good idea for the sake of visibility and safety.
The strobe light came with a metal tab attached for mounting. This turned out to be quite convenient for mounting on the top of my vertical stabilizer. I used a bench vise to bend the tab into a slight curve to better fit between the aluminum tube and curved hinge I mounted it between.
I ran the wiring down through the aluminum tubing of the vertical stabilizer. I needed to drill two holes in the tailboom extension to allow for the wiring. I used rubber grommets to protect the wiring from the sharp metal edges. I then used zipties to secure the wiring to the tailboom extension to ensure that it would not interfere with the rudder cables or elevator push-pull tube.
I soldered the pigtail leads from the strobe directly to the jacketed wiring that I routed through the tail boom. There is about a foot worth of slack in the wire that was stuffed down the top of the aluminum tube of the vertical stabilizer in case the strobe needs to be replaced or serviced.