Today I started by replacing the bolt that holds the horizontal stabilizer tangs below the tail boom with the AN3-6A bolts that Rans sent me. This replaces the bolt that was too long.
I then drilled a new hole in the frame for the flap lever assembly. This new hole, which is approximately 5/16 of an inch from the original hole, allows the aileron cable to move freely without rubbing on the flap lever assembly. Rans recommend this fix.
I then mounted the trim wheel to the top of the flap lever assembly. I left the flap lever assembly in place while I mounted the trim wheel since it would have been difficult to remove the flap cable from the flap retention springs. I mounted the trim wheel as low as possible while still allowing the trim cable enough length to bend around the frame members. I routed the cable in a large loop prior to entering the tail boom. This will help reduce the resistance in the cable than using tight curves to get into the tail boom more directly.
When I threaded the trim cable into the housing, it's sharp edge shaved off some of the plastic inside of the housing. These shavings built up and jammed, prevented the cable from going any farther. I ended up having to cut the housing four feet shorter to allow the cable to push all the way through. Hopefully the housing isn't too short.