Today I routed the cables for my brakes.
Several months ago I temporarily routed the brake cable for just the left brake to test it's functionality. If they didn't work well enough, I was going to replace them with hydraulic brakes. The cable brakes seam to function adequately. I do wish they had a parking brake feature but I will see if I can live without it.
One of the things I don't like about the brake setup is that the pedals stick out by several inches. This means that I would have to press (actuate) the brakes to rest my feet on the rudder pedals. This was not comfortable for me so I created a standoff (see the first picture) out of a short piece of cable housing. This standoff allows my feet to sit flush against the rudder and brake pedals. This does reduce the range of motion of the brake pedals but I should still have enough to fully actuate the brakes.

Some of the holes provided for the cable housing and caps had too much paint in them. In the picture below you can see how I "encouraged" the cap to fit into place.

I trimmed the brake cables to length and used a soldering iron to keep the cables from fraying. The brake cables were adjusted so that there is a slight amount of drag on the brake drums. This dragging only occurs in some spots as the wheels are rotated. I expect this to go away after the cables stretch and the brake pads become warn.