During the strobe installation, I also installed the vertical stabilizer.
The vertical stabilizer mounts to the plane with two bolts. One bolt goes through the tail boom extension. The other goes through a set of brackets that are riveted to the tailboom.

I then attached the horizontal stabilizers. The base (root) of the horizontal stabilizers bolt onto the vertical stabilizer with U-brackets. Then eight cables are used to hold the stabilizers in position.
The cables need to be secured very tightly to prevent them from vibrating in flight. The tangs on the cable ends have four holes in them to fine tune their tension/length. I was able to make the cables very tight by installing all of the cables with only finger tightened bolts. Once all the cables were installed, I removed their slack by tightening all of the bolts.

The assembly manual calls for only one thick washer to be used on the bolts and U-brackets. I used two thin washers on each side instead.