Today I finished the wheel pants. I transferred the dimensions for the brake and axle cutouts over to the pants. Luckily, before I made any cuts, I noticed that the 30 degree angle I thought the brake stop was at, wasn't correct. I ended up making templates out of a Manila folder to get the proper location which took several iterations of templates.
I made some 1/4 inch spacers out of nylon to go in between the wheel pant and brake assembly. This allowed the wheel pant to sit more centered over the tire. I will rivet these to the wheel pants after painting.
Once I had the pants cut to fit and mountable, I had the main wheels balanced at a motorcycle shop. I still need to balance the nose wheel.
I then bolted the wheels to the axles using a new 7/8 inch socket I needed that would fit the axle lock nut. I tightened the nut until it was snug then backed it off until the wheel spun freely.
I then attached the main wheel pant and cleaned up the tire exit hole with my Dremel until it had at least 1/4 inch of clearance.
I also trimmed the nose wheel pant to give that tire a 1/4 inch of clearance around the tire.