After talking with Rans about cable tensions I decided to tighten my rudder cables. My rudder cables had a significant amount of slack in them. To tighten them I loosened the three bolts that hold the rudder horns to the rudder. This allowed the horns to rotate towards the front of the plane. I then removed as much slack as I could from the cables. Tightening the bolts rotated the horn back into place and removed additional slack.
I also filled my fuel tanks for the first time. While doing so, I determined that the tanks have very little unusable fuel, only a few ounces. I also discovered that my fuel tanks hold significantly less than the 9 gallons they are suppose to. My left tank holds 8 gallons and my right tank holds 7 gallons. The right tank holds less fuel because it is slightly deformed. While I was building the right wing, I left the wing overnight while it was resting upside down. This put the weight of the wing on the filler spout of the tank. The next morning the top of the tank had compressed. I tried several methods of reforming the tank without success.
While filling the tanks, I marked the sight tubes after each gallon. Unfortunately, the smallest amount of fuel I can see is 3 gallons.