I wanted a way to disconnect my fuel lines to allow easy removal of my wings. To do this I used some quick disconnects with integrated shutoff valves. I selected quick disconnects that mounted into a bulkhead to allow for a solid mounting point.
I fabricated a sheetmetal plate or bracket to hold the four quick disconnects. The front of the bracket has a fold to help protect the quick disconnects and keep the bracket rigid.
Once this bracket was in place, I was able to complete the fuel line routing from the bracket to the fuel selector valve.

The two wing tanks have forward and rear pickups. The pickups are connected together down-stream from the quick disconnects.

The fuel lines that run from the quick disconnect for the right tank (bottom of above picture) run underneath the bracket and are held in place by a zip tie that is attached to the bracket.

I still need to secure to hoses with hose clamps. I ran out of enough hose clamps to finish the routing.