Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fuel Tank Selector - 2 hours (242 Total)

In the pictures below you will see how I mounted my fuel tank selector valve.

I wanted to mount it in a left/right orientation so the selection would intuitively point to the left wing tank or right wing tank. Unfortunately, I could not find a location that would allow this so I settled for the up/down orientation. I assume I will have to label to selector anyway to conform to the Sport Pilot regulations.

I have connected the outgoing fuel line which goes to the gascolator. I have not decided how I intend to route the fuel lines from the tank to the selector valve. If I intend to detach the wings, I should consider some type of connector that would allow me to disconnect the fuel lines as they run from the wings into the fuselage. Having the fuel lines run directly from the wings to the selector valve would be the easiest in the short term but would make removing the wings would be a painful process.